Zurich American Life Insurance Company Ratings

Company A.M. Best S & P Moody's
Zurich American Life Insurance Company




A.M. Best Company
A.M. Best ratings represent an independent opinion from a provider of ratings of a company's financial strength and ability to meet its obligations to policyholders. The rating of Zurich American Life Insurance Company is stable at A+ (Superior), as of September 29, 2021.
Standard & Poor's
Standard & Poor's claims-paying ability rating is an opinion of an operating insurance company's financial capacity to meet obligations of its insurance policies in accordance with their terms. The rating of Zurich American Life Insurance Company is stable at A (Strong), as of March, 2021.
Moody's Insurance financial ratings are opinions of the rating agency on the ability of the insurance companies to repay punctually senior policyholder claims and obligations. The rating of Zurich American Life Insurance Company is stable at A3 (Good), as of November 2020.